mail (1:3)
- : ruby deps broke machinery ? (3 refs)
bugs (10)
1081653: TW20180218 installation failed to create initrd1081662: Automount Removal Storage Media Broken1081673: [HPC, pdsh] Place each ‘host list’ module in a separate package1081686: rename liburiparser1 to uriparser to align with packaging policy- 1081723: mozilla-nss package does not build reproducibly from shlibsign
- 1081743: filesystem /sys/fs/cgroup became full
1081750: python tarfile uses random order- 1081754: trackerbug: packages do not build reproducibly
1081832: wrong login message - /etc/issue to be updated [kubic-20180218]1081856: virtualbox-vnc should require libvncserver
The release was either never snapshotted or has been removed.