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bugs (28)
1082226: [Build 20180221] Internal error triggered on offline upgrades when selecting the “Booting” section - No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - /etc/default/grub\nCaller: /mounts/mp_0001/usr/share/YaST2/lib/yast2/target_file.rb:34:in `read’1082235: mozilla-nss 3.35 causes pesign failures1082292: Mesa: Integrate feedback of Mesa’s upstream developer(s) into our package1082297: Mesa: get rid of n_Define-GLAPIVAR-separate-from-GLAPI.patch?1082298: Mesa: get rid of n_Disable-AMDGPU-GFX9-Vega-on-LLVM-lessthan-6.0.0.patch?1082300: Mesa: get rid of n_VDPAU-XVMC-libs-Replace-hardlinks-with-copies.patch?1082303: Mesa: push u_mesa-python3-only.patch upstream1082305: Mesa: misc Mesa 8.0 patches1082306: Mesa: u_Fix-crash-in-swrast-when-setting-a-texture-for-a-pix.patch1082307: Mesa: push u_add_llvm_codegen_dependencies.patch upstream1082308: BUG: unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at 00000000000000401082312: Mesa: get rid of libudev, openssl, bison, flex (and python*?) BuildRequires1082315: Mesa: get rid of ncurses-devel BuildRequires?1082316: Mesa: ldconfig run for backend (ICD) drivers1082318: Packages must not mark license files as %doc1082345: [NEEDS-REBASE] gnome-shell-extensions 3.27.91 patches need rebase1082386: Yast2 bootloader module: “Probing device relationships failed”1082387: RDMA/rxe doesn’t work over 802.1q VLAN1082409: Major regression in usability of go package1082432: Okular crashes when opening pdf files: Poppler symbol lookup error1082469: python3-gobject: AttributeError: ‘ActionGroup’ object has no attribute ‘add_actions’1082504: Patch file not found ar3k/AthrBT_0x00000200.dfu1082505: [needs-rebase] GNOME Shell 3.27.91 patches need rebase1082512: yast / yast 2 -> Software did not start: Failed to load Module ‘Packages’ due to: Failed to load Module ‘SpaceCalculation’- 1082527: caasp-container-manifests uninstallable
1082532: record PostgreSQL lifecycle data1082622: No snapper configuration at installation- 1082655: vim: please, provide a /etc/vim.d
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