mail (0:0)
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bugs (18)
1083654: linphone crashes when trying to open Preferences1083694: kernel-docs build fails with the latest Sphinx- 1083739: network:telephony/turnserver: Project appears to be discontinued
- 1083740: network:telephony/rfc5766-turn-server: Project migrated to new Github Repository
1083827: YaST storage-ng: Encryption is not kept when adding a volume to LVM1083830: ffado fails to build with Python3 scons1083831: NetworkManager nfs displatcher script broken- 1083832: osc shows multibuild status even when there is no multibuild
1083834: unar: unrar wrapper breaks Ark1083835: clusterssh doc generation is racy1083837: opensuse mysql java connector fails to connect1083838: KDE Plasma 5.12 splash screen is cut off1083839: add option to support legacy, insecure SSHv1 client connections- 1083840: ksmserver crashes on login with Tumbleweed 20180301
1083842: KDE plasma-nm5 does not display correct security information1083843: Wrong license for bladeRF-fx3-firmware in hardware:sdr1083844: Tumbleweed i586 NET Install - OSS repo error1083850: something is wrong with rpm/mkspec - not all archs are built
The release was either never snapshotted or has been removed.