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bugs (31)
1086783: libsolv-tools uninstall attempted by zypper dup- 1086804: fonts-config warns about ninitialized HOME in posttrans
- 1086807: postfix: error about not existing file
- 1086826: Meanwhile protocol (libmeanwhile1) - “Login verification down or unavailable”
1086927: kmymoney 5.0.1 is actually 5.0.01086987: python-dogpile.cache fails to build on non x86_641087050: [HPC, petsc] No doc Package built1087052: FTBFS: openSUSE:Factory/dunelegacy fails to build1087063: intel [Gen3]: xf86-video-intel not installed by default on <= Gen31087066: java-1_8_0-openjdk FTBFS with gcc81087067: bin86 FTBFS with GCC81087068: libqt5-qtwebengine FTBFS with GCC81087070: MozillaFirefox FTBFS with GCC81087073: zbar FTBFS with GCC81087075: GCC 8: texlive tests fail1087090: [HPC, netcdf-fortran] Static library package pulls in the wrong devel package1087135: GCC 8: rust build fails1087136: GCC 8: llvm5 build fails1087166: zypper refresh, file ‘content’ not found1087263: [Build 20180324] openQA test fails in php7_postgresql961087307: MongoDB is unable to start on openSUSE Tumbleweed for ARM1087316: [automake1.16] libtool fails to build1087331: [cloud-init] ‘apply_network_config is not currently implemented’ message- 1087339: kwallet takes too long to ask for password (NetworkManager?)
1087352: yast2-packager.desktop fails when clicked in the programs menu1087392: New-intallation-flow - crash on installation proposal1087399: White-on-White on system_role screen- 1087430: brp-compress gives errors when it finds gzip compressed files with special characters in man dir
1087449: Transactional Server Role in Leap 15/TW - Allows installation on disks under 16GB1087486: [storage-ng] Various storage NG related control.xml parameters not working1087507: gtk3-branding-openSUSE discards admin/systemwide changes to /etc/gtk-3.0/settings.ini
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