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bugs (12)
1094808: kernels 4.15 and 4.16 break xl2tpd < 1.3.121094816: zathura-0.4.0 unable to open pdf files- 1094858: Remove outdated options from default /etc/containers/storage.conf
1094863: Podman hangs when using CNI loopback example1094875: Running the yast2-storage-ng testsuite takes terribly long time- 1094877: [Build 20180527] openQA test fails in partitioning_firstdisk - /dev/vdb is missing in Selec Hard Disk(s) proposal
1094886: Publishing:TeXLive/texlive: perl version bump to 5.26.2 broke texlive-biber-bin dependency in Factory1094893: Bug in scriptlet vlc-qt-3.0.2-6.3.x86_641094924: partition imported during installation would all be formatted by default1094927: installer uses a second disk even if told not to do so- 1094929: ARCHIVES.gz is missing
- 1094930: fsck.btrfs should not recommend dangerous procedure
The release was either never snapshotted or has been removed.