mail (3:27)
- no summary given (19 refs); 2018-06.202
- Wrong checksum for ghc-base (4 refs)
- failed to summarize (4 refs)
bugs (9)
1097388: cloud-init running before network online1097425: Fails to create LVM volume if lvm+RAID11097436: gcc: internal compiler error during python3 build1097449: tar fails to pass tests on aarch641097581: PackageKit: zypp backend needs implementation for GetFilesLocal.1097590: Qt5 Documentation broken- 1097611: [Build 20180608] packages conflicting suggesting to downgrade: kubernetes-kubeadm & kubernetes-master
1097625: chronyd not starting on admin nodes1097626: guile-git: test suite fails on i586
The release was either never snapshotted or has been removed.