mail (0:0)
no relevant mails
bugs (16)
1099599: YaST Partitioner: Can’t resize partition larger if there is another one behind it, even if it’s not yet created1099600: Expired gpg key 6F88BB2F1099620: Libinput-tools breaks libinput-gestures- 1099634: FIPS test should not empty entropy pool below a specific size
1099645: KDE PIM Kmail issue- 1099664: SDDM freezes for a few seconds before starting Plasma
- 1099682: vsftpd doesn’t stop all instantiated services on shutdown
1099698: firewalld puts icmp into ip6tables1099705: openldap: s: command not found1099744: Cannot reinstall system with the same LVM VG name1099745: [kubic][transactional server] systemd fails to boot, reports $subvolume already mounted- 1099750: Kernel 4.17.2-1-default xhci_hcd ERROR Transfer event TRB DMA ptr not part of current TD ep_index
1099752: Qt creator has no debug layout anymore ( qtcreator )1099754: polkit-default-privs: improve documentation in /etc/polkit-1/rules.d/90-default-privs.rules- 1099755: netcfg: /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny deprecated?
- 1099762: [storage-ng] [kubic] undefined method “safe_copy” for nil:NilClass - YaST2 crashes if disk is too small for a viable proposal
The release was either never snapshotted or has been removed.