mail (0:0)
no relevant mails
bugs (11)
1109532: [gcc8 regression]rubygem-cppjieba_rb segfault with -O1,2,3 optimization flag on openSUSE only systems- 1109534: trackerbug: arch-dependent noarch packages
1109536: /usr/bin/ads differs between architectures- 1109537: autoconf and autoconf213 differs between architectures
1109539: bouncycastle differs between architectures- 1109540: branding-openSUSE differs between architectures
- 1109541: dtv-scan-tables differs between architectures
1109551: GNOME Contacts 3.30: no icon shown for running app in top panel- 1109597: CodeLite won’t run after installing from repo
1109685: ghostscript-fonts-grops differs between architectures1109687: gnome-news differs between architectures
The release was either never snapshotted or has been removed.