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bugs (10)
1116277: klogconsole: split out of util-linux or upstream1116278: Titles in yast-installation have too much padding on the left1116332: [Build 20181115] more than one product auto-selected for installation1116359: [Build 20181116] openQA test fails in yast2_clone_system1116374: Kernel update TW20181112 to 4.19.1 breaks functionality of Technisat skystar DVB-S PCI card.1116377: [Build892.2][staging] Enabling online repos pop-up is shown multiple times if “No” was clicked1116425: 4.19.1-1.pae did not boot1116426: Dell Latitude E6220 DRM shutdown errors - “flip_done timed out” (in drm_kms_helper)[1116432: ipset save -fileproduces empty files](https://bugzilla.opensuse.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1116432) 1116439: privoxy segfaults with 20181116
The release was either never snapshotted or has been removed.