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bugs (15)
1132305: podman does not contain manpage containers-registries.conf1132312: [Build 20190411] LXQt fails to start1132316: kernel: Backport TPM fix e891db1a18bf (“tpm: turn on TPM on suspend for TPM 1.x”) to fix broken suspend1132350: trackerbug: adapt all apparmor profiles containing /bin/bash after bash move1132379: VirtualBox won’t launch VM on kernel 5.0.6: Error 0x1 NS_ERROR_FAILURE MachineWrap-
[1132421: AppArmor profile for Ghostscript prevents “-sOutputFile= cat 1>&3”](https://bugzilla.opensuse.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1132421) - 1132422: linuxrc unable to net install with kexec=3 for TW ppc64le
1132434: iwlwifi crashes on BAD_COMMAND while transferring files to wireless-connected phone through KDEConnect1132435: Tumbleweed 32bit and 64bit did not boot on samsung nc110 again after several updates1132436: /srv should be an own subvolume- 1132440: Incorporate distribution logo in display managers
- 1132442: Feature: lightdm-gtk-greeter: Add distribution logo in the greeter
- 1132451: missing cmake file for proj-devel
- 1132456: Raspberry Pi 3B console video fails using DSI interface
1132458: jack_control crashes immediately due to Python 3 incompatibility
The release was either never snapshotted or has been removed.