mail (1:4)
- no summary given (4 refs)
bugs (14)
1137948: rubygem-config_files_api: replacing a new entry with a differently typed entry raises NameError1137963: “gpg -h” Aborted (core dumped)1137970: MozillaFirefox mis-builds translations- 1137992: [Build 20190607] Bridge wrongly created sporadically during Network installation of Tumbleweed.
- 1137997: Expert Partitioner: import multi-device Btrfs mount points
1138074: monitoring-plugins-procs: check_procs reports itself1138077: Gnome-Builder dont show templantes because is missing a dependency- 1138078: Neither HDMI nor nvidia-settings work in KDE Plasma but both work in IceWM
1138138: Update request for Cura software1138144: [Staging] openQA test fails in installation1138166: BUG: unable to handle kernel paging request at ffffe5c202050000 with kernel-default 5.1.7-1.11138180: Kubic-control roles are no longer [Alpha]1138203: Include other object creation options in yast2-aduc1138213: Update NetworkManager to new stable branch - 1.18.x
The release was either never snapshotted or has been removed.