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bugs (9)
1155053: nvidia-gfxG05-kmp-default-440.26_k5.3.6_1-20.4: fails to install in non-english locales due to usage of grep for english error messages in conftest.sh1155058: nvidia G05: Driver 440 does not work1155105: solver.onlyRequires=true being ignored after update of libzypp to 17.15.0-1.21155108: Tumbleweed OpenMP Programs Compiled With clang9 and libomp9-devel Receive SEGV During Exit Processing1155132: Lost “orphaned packages” and “unneeded packages” lists in the YaST Software Manager1155151: OpenVPN: Unit dbus-org.freedesktop.resolve1.service not found1155155: RPi3 Wifi firmware files missing1155157: System unable to boot after tumbleweed upgrade as of 10-23- 1155158: NetworkManager does not execute pre-down-script on system shutdown
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