mail (1:2)
- no summary given (2 refs); 2021-02.535
bugs (10)
1164616: Devices plugged into USB hub, that previously worked, stopped working the past few days1164619: /etc/nfs.conf:12: error loading included config1164621: Mpv package not pulling needed dependency libjpeg1164622: Firefox plugin crash on DRM video sites1164624: zypper installs kernel-firmware-* packages for non-existing hardware1164631: docker-bench-security missing /functions_lib.sh1164632: Beurer GL 50 evo glucometer needs CONFIG_BLK_DEV_SR_VENDOR=y- 1164643: avogadrolibs-devel possibly create AvogadroLibsConfig.cmake with a typo??
- 1164644: SANE can’t open scanner - segmentation fault
1164646: Firefox DRM Plugin Crash
The release was either never snapshotted or has been removed.