mail (2:48)
- no summary given (44 refs); 2021-01.2249, 2021-02.1882, 2021-03.1273, 2021-04.916, 2021-05.445, 2021-06.179
- failed to summarize (4 refs)
bugs (10)
1172892: Boot hangs on initrd: ucode-intel-20200609-1.1- 1172893: Hibernate and Sleep options disappear randomly from Application Menu
- 1172894: Delay to unlock fully encrypted partition
1172895: [kde3] not literally required packages for en_US installations are “required”: kde3-gwenview-lang, kde3-kipi-plugins-lang, libkdcdraw4-lang, libkipi0-lang1172896: Flood of “update-alternatives: warning: forcing reinstallation of alternative xxx because link group yyy is broken”1172897: VirtualBox kernel modules will not run with kernel 5.81172898: TW 2020-06-11 Installation: “Internal Error ‘undefined method start’ for class Yast2::Systemd::Target in inst_finish.rb- 1172899: pango no longer renders WOFF vector fonts
- 1172900: Videoconferencing apps on openSUSE –> much higher CPU and heat than Clear Linux
1172903: Screen share doesn’t work in WebRTC on Wayland
The release was either never snapshotted or has been removed.