mail (1:7)
- no summary given (7 refs); 2021-02.3223, 2021-03.2614, 2021-04.2257, 2021-05.1786, 2021-06.1520, 2021-07.1168
bugs (16)
1177566: powertop system service seems to be overridden by something else1177568: VUL-0: CVE-2020-26945: mybatis: mishandles deserialization of object streams which could result in remote code execution1177574: klp tests fail on klp_tc_10.sh “Patch caller of graph traced callee” test1177577: [Build 20201011] openQA test fails in cifs1177600: [Ten64] DVD Installer fails to bring up DPAA2 network (but NET Installer succeeds)1177601: Java:packages/tomcat: Incorrect paths in systemd and init scripts1177602: HDMI display only allows 640x4801177603: bind sometime aborted- 1177605: Add pam_snapper support to pam-config
- 1177612: dconf: read user profile settings also from system wide location.
- 1177618: External monitor connected via HDMI only works with 640x480 resolution due to invalid EDID detected
1177621: Redshift’s apparmor rule blocks reading a symlinked configuration file1177625: Krita missing requirement libquazip5.so.11177629: -mbranch-protection=standard (PAuth + BTI) breaks find-debuginfo.sh1177632: yast cli opens curses UI and pipes output to the log1177651: Cannot install package wallpapers-openSUSE-extra
The release was either never snapshotted or has been removed.