mail (2:2)
- fails to boot (dracut-initqueue timeout errors) (1 refs)
- be cautious to upgrade x86_32 Tumbleweed system to snapshot (1 refs)
bugs (22)
- 1182028: patch to make irexec load correctly
1182031: Cannot charge battery after update to 202102081182035: enable kernel compile option “CONFIG_SERIAL_DEV_BUS=y” and “CONFIG_SERIAL_DEV_CTRL_TTYPORT=y”1182048: python38-pysvn missing so module1182050: [Build 20210208] package rpm is broken for s390x - integrity check has been failed1182074: KMail can receive but cannot send email1182075: Zypper cannot update to python38-distributed-2021.1.1-1.1.x86_641182076: aaa_base main package contains sysctl configuration files, making it unnecessarily problematic to remove aaa_base from the system- 1182080: The dtoverlay setting for Pi4 in /boot/efi/config.txt is set incorrectly
- 1182081: No sound card appears on Raspberry Pi 4
- 1182082: The Sound Control widget doesn’t appear on the task bar on Raspberry Pi 4
1182083: Can’t get network scanner to scan1182102: Please update the installer kernel version to at least 5.10 (better 5.11) to support SEV-ES1182107: NetworkManager dns resolv.conf1182125: [Build 20210207] no yast2 online update icon in control center1182134: Newmoon Browser krash1182144: osinfo-db: autoinst.xml does not work with Tumbleweed- 1182145: systemd-analyze verify is unhappy with plymouth-start.service systemd unit
1182146: systemd-analyze verify is unhappy with /etc/systemd/system/tmp.mount systemd unit1182147: systemd-analyze verify is unhappy with /usr/lib/systemd/system/gpm.service systemd unit- 1182148: systemd-analyze verify is unhappy with /usr/lib/systemd/system/mcelog.service systemd unit
1182151: clamtk not scanning for viruses
The release was either never snapshotted or has been removed.