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bugs (10)
1185332: snapshot 20210425 did not include kernel-syms-5.11.16- 1185333: gnome-control-center crashes when trying to add new input source [Keyboard]
1185338: Drop all the references to Yast::LanItems- 1185339: lsusb hangs and throws error when listing Motu M4 device
1185340: gnome-system-monitor 40.0 has a Bug1185343: UDF can be selected as file system but udftools is missing on DVD1185352: exfat: ERROR: invalid VBR checksum 0xc746d7e6 (expected 0x8122115) on zram test1185353: The new pattern patterns-deepin needs an icon1185355: go does not build with gcc111185362: fwupd fails to start due to missing dependencies causing a timeout
The release was either never snapshotted or has been removed.